Friday, February 18, 2011

Color Design

For this assignment, the class had to create designs that used techniques we already learned and incorporate color to create depth and visual interest. My inspiration for this design was classic video games. In this I have Pacman going diagonally across the middle, Tetris as my focal point and different pieces from Mario throughout the image.

Pattern Design

This design uses line elements in background with repeated patterns of geometric and organic shapes. There is a lot of repetition in this piece; every shape was used more than once and there is a change of value for each section it was used. LITTLE MEN!

The assignment was to use lines and fills if they have patterns and create our own pattern swatches.

Gradients Design

This piece had to focus on the use of different gradients to create an image that had depth, a focal point and is well balanced. One of the principles that I focused on was the use of contrast. The background designs jump from black to white, whereas, the center designs are mostly on greyscale. To balance out the design, I centered the focal point and made it so the the outside pieces would reflect across the image.   When working with gradients, the major element you work with is value (lightness and darkness). I also focused on using geometric shapes and used lines to show movement through the image.

The assignment was to make a design using gradient fills without color... This one was impossible for me to plan for because I had no idea what I wanted to do for it. I ended up just playing around with a couple different shapes and gradient fills until I found something I liked. This one was mostly just a trial and error piece. I didn't have anything to base it off of either so I focused on manipulating shapes. The big piece in the middle started out as a rectangle. :P

Friday, February 11, 2011

Line Design

This was my first time using the adobe illustrator program. The entire image had to be done with lines only. I focused on manipulating lines by making them dashed or changing their shape wit the warp tool. In this image, the white pieces are the negative space. The one giant black brush stroke balances out almost evenly with the amount of white in the image. The lines go between the edges and can be followed around the image. The white star and black swirl break up the two chunks of white and black so they don't take over the entire image.