Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Storm Thorgerson

The assignment for this project was to create a poster in the style of a graphic designer. The poster had to include a background of an image we created ourselves as well as four of their own pieces. We had to include biographical information and and explanation of the style or a certain piece. Storm Thorgerson often uses different types of reflections as well as putting objects in a place you wouldn't expect them. He believes that the awkward appearance of an object highlights its beauty.

In several of his pieces, Storm Thorgerson places objects in desolate areas and because of this I chose to make the background set in the desert. For one of his single covers for The Mars Volta, Thorgerson had the reflection of a mannequin become that of a real man. Because he has a whimsical style, I decided to make my mannequin's reflection be that of a black and white cartoon.