Monday, May 16, 2011

Photo Repair

The assignment for these pictures was to take the original, beat up and torn picture and to make is pretty much as good as new. This was an extremely long an tedious task, however, once a realized what I had to do, it became increasingly simple. In order to get rid of all the small folds, all I had to do was use the spot healing brush which was the most time consuming part because there are so many creases in the original. In order to get rid of the big crease down the middle and on the left side i used a combination of spot healing and the clone tool. The hardest part was getting rid of the tears where there was no picture left over. For this I used the clone tool again and remade the sections piece by piece. Because I had done so many individual parts, the new piece was a little bumpy so I smoothed over the background with the blur tool but tried not to make it blend in with the people in the foreground. 

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